Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Precious Black and White

The precious black and white that communicates
Splendid words, arranged to perfection 
Tales of a pounding heart for people
A love that runs into hell to rescue them
The precious black and white lit up before the sun
The tab on the screen is my friend

The black and white comfort
The black and white hope
On the white screen lies the best words for free
I gobble them in the quiet
As they lift up from the white screen
And I am filled full again and again

Open a tab into the place, the space for a human race
Click the portal of beauty and truth
It's free, it's free
Push the tab and see
Redemption plan, mercy for man 
What a lucky girl I am

The black and white
the dark, the light
And me entwined in a story that started "in the beginning"
I saw you there too
It's true.  It's all true
There's a Father, a family waiting for you

The precious black and white that communicates
Splendid words arranged to perfection
A click on the link, and before you can blink
You're served a feast before the sun comes up today

Click and find a Gateway to The Precious Black and White

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing a minute or two with me. Your comments are much appreciated.