Thursday, April 18, 2019

Backdrop of the Battlefield

An old held-back post, or note to self in the blog files.  I must have been feeling the battle. 
 Your life is not about any of this, Rhonda Michelle.  All of this only creates the backdrop to the battlefield for your soul and for the souls of others.  Your mortgage, the leak in your radiator, your family gatherings, your bank account, Christmas coming, your home, land, your debt, your cars and what is or isn't in your refrigerator are not what they may seem to be.  These are not just your life on a Wed. in 2014. They are only the backdrop to your real life.

Jesus prayed for you like this, My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.   We are meant to be here, but we need this prayer of Jesus to tread here because it is more than it seems. 

Jesus, our glorious man, is not recorded to have concerned Himself much with my list of things in above paragraph, as IF these were not the most important things in life?! What of that!?  If He didn't then why do I?  

  His hike into the wilderness was an epic battle with the devil during a 40 day fast.  All my hikes are to see beauty and gain strength. Most of my fasts are because I feel chubby. And when I kayak across the lake it is to feel something, see something and enjoy myself. But in 2014 I'm seeing them all in a different way; they are more.  All is more.

When Jesus skimmed the waters of the lake,  it was with eternal purposes in his heart.  Maybe the beauty of the sun glistening off of the water that day, and maybe there were fresh smells, the feel of the water between His fingers, the breeze and gentle waves making soft sounds against the boat. But He was going to command demons and set a chained man free. (Mark 5) He had the same sort of backdrop as me, but lived out of another dimension.  I want His dimension.

With  purpose He crossed from life over to death, and to life again to set many more free.  And He is pulling back the backdrop of my life so I can live like this glorious God-man.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rhonda - in revisiting and ever learning scripture I had something revealed to me recently that completely changed my view, thought, comprehension of Jesus' time wandering in the desert. It was pointed out that Jesus was NOT TEMPTED FOR 40 DAYS. He fasted for 40 days and nights. He was hungry and at his weakest point when he was tempted by the devil. He was so overwhelmed with the knowledge and power that was given to Him on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that he went into the desert to process it all. He was human and to that point had not begun His ministry of healing. Imagine how overwhelming it must have been for Him to receive the Holy Spirit in the way that the Father intended for only Him!


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