Thursday, October 25, 2018

Last Night; Sharing a Prayer

Fluid falling, the yard is fresh and wet and cold;  bare feet and 2:57 a.m.  Puppy was sniper crawling under my bed, awakened by the need for his nightly puddle break, and it’s raining puddles too.

I’m beginning to like these nighttime wakings.  They are launchpads into thinking and thanking. Haze and clouds keep a full moon from shining in tonight, so unlike other recent nights, the light of the screen is all I see.
Its falling hard outside.  Barely perceivable before, and now a heavy sound, the kind that tucks you in cozy and rouses sudden awareness for soft beds, warm covers and dry rooms, and forever present Poppa always waiting for more time with me.  Yes, I am thankful, blessed beyond measure even before all my spiritual inheritance is fully seen and known. Let it rain.

I’m YOUR daughter, a rousing thought for nighttimes. Isn’t this the most amazing thing of all? Yours! You’ve had loads and loads of other daughters and sons awake under this same moon hung to mark loads and loads of night times, but now I’m here in this one, and I want to rejoice in YOU and thank YOU and make a mark on Your heart that I am here loving You. Is there a mark yet, Lord?

I want to do something for You, to affect You and make You glad on account of me. Maybe I want to shout like no other, leap up like no other, lay myself down in regal devotion like no other.  I want to give to You, not the best above others because I'm not sure I could, but the best of me that I can give.  This is what You've given me to offer back.  Thank you for giving me to me and a chance to fulfill Your dreams in creating me like this.  We, each dear one, can touch You, God, in our own uniquely given way.  May it always be. 😊 

It says, "Rhonda Drain" on my shoe.
And I'm sitting on top of a mountain like daughters can do.

Only I can make my own mark on Your dear heart!  No one else can fully fill the place that is mine to fill in Your heart and only I can be the me-stone in Your building of living stones.  So, here I am. We are all here, side by side, arm in arm, sons and daughters headed toward "home", inviting all into the sweet assurance of Your love. 

I love the nighttime waking hour.

John 14:23


  1. Love, love love, and yes Yes YES!!!!!

    1. Thank you, Dear Visitor, for sharing the fun and these words with me!

  2. LOVE, Love, love, and yes Yes YES!!!!

  3. Thank you for sharing this, it brings good tears


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