Monday, February 18, 2019

How it Always is

This is how it always is; eyes open, the dark room, socked-up feet walking the cool hall to the cup of coffee, the open journal, the open Word, and then my words-- the words and the working out a life before a “Person” attending to me in those early morning hours. While a dog snores at my feet, there is a conversation, a qualifying prayer, a life that has become one long prayer.  Ever may it be. This is not my story, but OUR story and how it always is. I’m saying it because I want to, and because we often want to say this and can’t find the words for each other to hear us.

This is how it always is and how it forever will be;  our lives taken into the bosom of, NOT “the universe”, but the One who flings universes into place, and meets waking loved ones like this. And the comfort of this has changed our lives of questions and fear to something more.  He’s ever changing our lives to “more”.

This is how it always is, a daily learning that He is there; not scolding, not anxious to point out a flaw, a mistake, a misjudgment, a fault.  But anxious to delve deep into love with us so that all those things can be carried away one by one, liberation by liberation, step by step, freedom to freedom, and glory to glory as it has long been called. All the while, He's showing us how to love one another like this.

This is how it always is; fingers to keys, pencils to paper, or voices in our rooms to say thank yous, and why we are so-- to ask questions with golden letters because He said our questions are golden to Him. When He says things to me, they are clickedy-clicked out in red, as I like to remind myself that red is the color He chose to free us in, hung up and held by the punishment of someone else’s sins—every- “someone” - ever. 

This is how it always is, every day sitting, standing, walking in the never-ending invitation to come closer, but not always seeing it for ourselves.  Waking to learn how good He is, just how great, how kind and there.  This is how it always is because HE IS and always will be.

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