Saturday, March 28, 2020

Intentions: Asking For a Friend

When spring awakens and rubs her sleepy eyes, lifting a fresh gaze across the barren landscape has she come to bring bouquets or storms?  And when summer burns away her sweet morning dew and dries the rolling white streams, has it come to scorch the earth or ripen garden vegetables and fruit? And when the leaves turn golden within autumn’s warm crescendo, has death been ushered in upon the land or has it brought the season of harvest, pumpkins, football and friends?  And when winter blasts the earth with an exacting icy grip, is all lost or has it come to purify with its milky blankets of snow, to bring rest for one and all?

When He made the earth full of seed and people to walk bare and free upon it, was His plan all along to banish us and set us under a curse, or was his intention fruitful work, creativity, fellowship, and happiness forever? When He gave us the great law on the mountain in tablets of stone, did He wait to see us fail or give us hope to one day live a splendid way? 

Has He intended to fully keep us, provide for us, give us hope, gather us under His wing, free us from all that entangles us and keeps us from the pure expression of who we are here to be? Or has He left us to be afraid, confused, abandoned from time to time, expecting us to figure it all out in a worldly wilderness alone without a daily guide? Will He let sickness overcome us alone and the fear that surrounds it to steal the upward curving of smiling lips, the creativity from our minds, the deep love in our hearts for one another?  

I believe that spring awakens to scatter a field with blooms of vetch and mountain buttercup.  I believe she blows winds of change to give us more.  I believe spring comes with her pockets full of hyacinth and daffodil, that summer comes with long days and warm nights to give us time to sit under the stars and chase lightning bugs.  I am sure that autumn clothes us with comfort and winter with repose and I believe that all God's intentions are good, noble, and right--that He is perfectly kind. 

So when one asks Him why, there need be no fear in the answer.  He has the best of intentions.

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