Wednesday, January 3, 2018

I Hear a Roar

I hear a roar and a thunderclap,  it is God coming into the temple. I see a mist, I feel a surge, it is His breath inside of me. 

 I know a way to depths untold, it is hidden in Christ alone.
I see a path, I fling away from any earthen hold on me. 

 I take a hand, a Father's hand and know I walk secure.  I take a page and dine today on The Word betrothed to me.


  1. So beautiful, Rhonda. Much love and aloha from the North Country.

    1. Hello! Hello! Thank you. Hug and love back to you, Claudia. It's so great to see you here.

  2. Replies
    1. I love you, Uncle James. Your comments mean the world to me, I'm sure you know! Thank you for your life lived in love and faith for kids like me to be inspired by. Now a 52 year old kid-- and I'm still inspired by you.


Thanks for sharing a minute or two with me. Your comments are much appreciated.