Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The Cup, the Comb, Communing and Matilda Jane

Morning's here. The coffee steam is wafting into the cool air of my room, the dogs are at my feet, the old book with always new words is open on the screen.  Today, it will be the book of Matthew and me.  I have a comb ready for Matilda Jane, since she will ask to be groomed soon, and I am here to commune.  I open a fresh white page to put words on the screen, and I am set.  

In September, when she came to live with me, she would lie squirming and biting as I took the comb through each layer of her thick hair.  The gentle tugs through knots set her to biting at my hands and comb.  I had to bribe her with things to chew to keep her barely long enough for me finish this daily ritual. She would tug and pull, nip and gnaw. I wondered how I would ever keep this up.  It is January now.  Matilda Jane comes to my side asking to be lifted up for grooming. There is no need for a bone or a bribe, but willingly comes for me to remove the tangles of the previous day.  What a quick learner!  Not like me.

I wonder how I ever came here for bribe and bone?  The bone smelling of a "duty done", a pat on the back and moving on.  It was a coming, but not communing, an appointment, but not a visit.  It was fearing the tug of the comb and closeness.  My dog would not settle for a dry bone like this and I have learned not to either.  😊

Like her, I've learned to reach arms to be lifted for holding and going through my tangled day.  I've learned about Him being present with me and I must learn to be present, too.    I've learned of His place that transcends and swallows up my seat in the little room, on the little farm, in the little valley town in Arkansas.  In the early dark of each new day with bare feet and heart, we all can walk the path of faith to his lap again and again. 

The "Sweet Spot" is ours and the way is ever found through our faith.  I'm going in with my cup, my comb, and my communion today, and Matilda Jane is still at my feet.😉


  1. Ahhh Matilda teaching us how to willingly submit to and even treasure God’s untangling! I love it! I thought about that last week when I attempted to put a halter on Bixby for the first time in a while. She acted spooked and withdrew to a corner of the pasture. I slowly held it out for her to sniff and then she remembered that she LOVES her halter and began to nuzzle into it! It made me think of that verse that warns us not to be like the horse that requires a bit and bridle to come near. Thank you for these nuggets of gold!

    1. Linds, thanks for coming here! Bixby and Matilda, speaking in similar tones and ways! I love you!


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